Sevenoaks Senior College

Sevenoaks Senior College Vision
Our vision is to empower our students through their engagement in education and training so that they fulfil their own educational, career and social expectations and participate positively in Australian society.
Sevenoaks Senior College is a diverse educational community with students, teachers, parents, community members and industry partners working collaboratively within a team environment.
Our students range from 16 to 19 years and we provide a young adult learning environment with mutual respect between staff and students.
Sevenoaks is an Independent Public School and Registered Training Organisation. It has an extensive range of programs to suit all abilities and interests from top academic courses to vocational and engagement programs. It caters for over 500 Year 11 and 12 students. Located opposite the Cannington Train station and bus port, it is the local school for students from surrounding suburbs but we welcome students from across the metropolitan area.
Our educational facilities include:
* Online delivery and support for courses
* WACE exam courses in Science, Humanities, Career and Enterprise and Maths
* Vocational and Enterprise courses are available to all students regardless of post school destination
* School-industry links so students gain work place learning opportunities including school-based traineeships
* The incorporation of TAFE Certificates I, II or III into many courses
* A 4.5 million dollar Trade Training Centre (automotive and metals and engineering) on site
* Experienced teachers of English as an Alternative Language and support for students for whom English is not their first language.