Hampton Senior High School

Students at Hampton Senior High School are encouraged to Aspire - to be the best they can be, Innovate - make changes as new information is learned, and Achieve - successfully engage and perform - in every aspect of their journey through secondary education. Empahsis is placed on the full development of the intellectual, emotional and physical potential of the students through mentoring, monitoring, giving feedback and support in collabaration with the excellent teaching staff, pastoral care team and parents, guardians and caregivers.
Parents are encouraged to have input into both their child's learning journey and the school priorities through various targeted parent information sessions, the P&C comittee and the School Board. Our teachers and student services team always welcome communication from parents and endeavour to keep parents informed through individual direct communication, our newsletters - Interface and Circuit Maker - reports and individual meetings.
Our staff have a blend of youth and experience, and work together to share new teaching practices and cultivated learning methods. We are also a Teacher Development School with programs in Science, ICT and STEM (Science, Technology, English and Math) to share their expertise and classroom innovation across schools. Working alongside the Principal are two Deputies, Heads of Learning Areas for Science, English, Math, Physical Education, the Arts, Design and Technologies, Computing /Business Studies, and Humanities & Social Science. We also have dedicated program co-ordinators for VET/Career Education, Aboriginal Education, two Student Services Managers and a Manager of Corporate Services. All our teachers work with student services staff to support students in any way required.
Students and their parents are given every opportunity to select the most suitable pathway for their abilities, skills and dreams. Along with ATAR subjects, a feature of our curriculum in Year 10 is the emphasis paced on career education as a viable education pathway. The students learn about the world of work and have work experience weeks timetabled throughout the year, directly experiencing values such as work ethic, expectations, regulations and employee relationships. This can lead onto opportunies to achieve Certification through TAFE for a variety of courses in upper school.
As a Gifted and Talented Dance school with specialist programs in ICT, Athletics, Applied Science, Cheer Dance and Performing Arts, Hampton draws students outside its traditional boundaries, and through other programs such as Bright Sparks (junior science), Follow the Dream (indigenous students engagement), Cheerleading, STEP (senior student engagement), Project Edge (junior dance) and Cadets (Bush Rangers), we are able to engage students in a variety of learning opportunities that expose them to activities and educational experiences to improve their engagement, performance and pride.