Atwell College is a new facility in the rapidly expanding locality of Atwell.
The state-of-the-art buildings provide a vibrant and exciting learning precinct. Presently catering for years 7 to 9, the College will expand to a full Year 12 school by 2012. Stage two buildings to cater for this expansion and adult learning requirements is budgeted for completion for the start of the 2012 year. The Kim Beazley Learning Community within the Atwell College enables the full-spectrum of opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities. Built as an inclusive College, these facilities also provide a supportive learning environment for students with physical disabilities.
Having officially opened in 2009, the College has quickly gained a reputation for its caring support of student learning, and subsequent strong student results. Sourcing of Professional Development opportunities for staff is a priority, to support student learning programs.
The specialist facilities include extensive IT infrastructure: a fully operational Theatre and media centre; music training facilities; large gymnasium and sporting ovals and extensive home economics and Design and Technology capacity.